marineline - Magazines (2025)

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    June 2018 - Marine News page: 56

    has ap- free, VP, Workforce Development named Sales Representative for the pointed Philip Gibson as Director of and Corporate Diversity Of? cer, New MarineLine cargo tank coating system Sales for North, South and Central York Shipping Association, (NYSA) from Advanced Polymer Coatings. America. Previously

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    March 2018 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 27

    service vessels, tug and salvage boats, ? re boats and more. A well maintained ®Call 800-298-6235 to schedule a system demonstration, or visit MarineLine cargo tank “ for more information. coating, with its very smooth surface, helps NST gain a quick turnaround in port, and

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    March 2017 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 81

    its ben- the engineered oil binder composition. coating and propeller manufacturers, ac- The patented technology incorporates e? cial surface con- MarineLine 784 from Advanced ademics, ship owners and data analysts. bio-renewable raw material that helps ? guration proper- Polymer Coatings is a premier

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    November 2016 - Marine News page: 104

    overboard, but may formance coatings brands, Marine- builds stainless steel and polyure- not consider how critical the recovery Line and ChemLine. MarineLine thane steering wheels, wiper sys- window is, especially with a moving is a cargo tank coating protecting tems, horns and other parts. vessel.

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    March 2016 - Marine News page: 57

    PRODUCTSMarineLine Cargo Tank Coating System Advanced Polymer Coatings’ (APC) patented MarineLine polymer cargo tank coating system has recently been selected for eight 8,000 DWT chem-ical ships. These tankers were previ-ously coated with a leading phenolic FCI: Fresh Water Sea Hawk’s Biocop TF

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    October 2000 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 36

    , at the SMM gathering in Hamburg, should give fresh impetus to the Ohio company's rapid marine business growth with its performance-enhancing MarineLine cargo tank coating series. First introduced in early 1993, MarineLine provided the industry with a viable, lower-cost alternative to stain-less

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    October 2000 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 34

    , at the SMM gathering in Hamburg, should give fresh impetus to the Ohio company's rapid marine business growth with its performance-enhancing MarineLine cargo tank coating series. First introduced in early 1993, MarineLine provided the industry with a viable, lower-cost alternative to stain-less

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    March 2013 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 47

    cost savings by eliminating the extra step of a high temperature forced hot air heat cure, which is crucial for the high chemical resistance of the MarineLine 784 system used for chem-ical tankers and their more hazardous cargos. APC also claims its LTC coating of- fers greater versatility and chemical

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    March 2011 - Marine News page: 52

    52 MN March 2011Advanced Polymer Coatings(MarineLine)PO Box 269, Avon, OH 44011www.adv-polymer.comtel: 440-937-6218email: [emailprotected]Products: MarineLine — high performance cargotank lining systemBioCoatings LLC1007 N Federal Hwy Suite 227, Ft. Lauderdale, FL www.

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    February 2011 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 55

    Advanced Polymer Coatings (MarineLine)PO Box 269Avon, OH 44011 David Keehantel: 440-937-6218fax: 440-937-5046email: [emailprotected]Descr: Cargo tank lining manufacturerProducts: MarineLine — high performance cargotank lining systemBioCoatings LLC1007

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    February 2, 2006 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 37

    PolymerCoatings, Ltdwww.adv-polymer.come-mail: [emailprotected]Descr: Manufacturer of Siloxirane lining andcoating systems.Products: MarineLine 784, ChemLine 784/31,ChemLine 784/32, RaiLine 784Airblast Cees Bekinkemail:[emailprotected]Descr: airblast 30 years

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    December 2010 - Marine News page: 39 MN 39Advanced PolymerCoatings (MarineLine)PO Box 269Avon, OH 44011 David Keehantel: 440-937-6218fax: 440-937-5046email: [emailprotected]Descr: Cargo tank lining manufacturerProducts: MarineLine — high performancecargo tank lining

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    September 1998 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 8

    INVESTMENT IN DESIGN Bucking The Trend In choosing the MarineLine tank coating system over stainless steel for its newest chemical tanker's tanks, Mediterranea di Navigazione is saving money. by David Tinsley, technical editor Venetian trader Eschewing stainless steel in favor of the innovativ

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    September 1998 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 2

    20 00 FAX 091 -695 20 01 Circle 294 on Reader Service Card MARITIME REPORTER AND ENGINEERING NEWS 10 24 All Dressed Up By using the MarineLine tank coating systems in lieu of stainless steel tanks on its new chemical carrier, Mediterranea di Navigazione saved money without sacrificing

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    March 1998 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 72

    New Marine Coatings Advanced Polymer Sciences (APS) has developed three differ-ent lines of marine coatings for specific applications. The Marineline coating was engi-neered for cargo tanks of chemical and products tankers, and is based on the Siloxirane polymer anti-cor-rosion system.

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    April 1997 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 69

    57 on Reader Service Card Simrad Introduces CE30 Chart Sounder Simrad Inc. announced the addi-tion of the CE30 Chart Sounder to its new MarineLine range of inte-grated marine electronics. The CE30 combines the properties of an echosounder, chart plotter and GPS receiver in 'J 1 p ^M

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    March 1997 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 56

    Latvian Shipping Company's 20,000-dwt product tanker Dzintari is shown at the Lisnave shipyard, where it was coated with Advanced Polymer Sciences' MarineLine tank coatings. Latvian Shipping Company recently reached a milestone, when it converted 20,000-dwt product tanker M/V Dzintari into a Class

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    November 1996 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 25

    SEC Appointed Exclusive Applicator Of MarineLine Field tests conducted on the MarineLine applications are shown in the SEC shipyard, Viareggio, Italy. SEC SpA (Societa Esercizio Cantieri) shipyard in Viareggio, Italy, has been appointed as the exclusive qualified and approved applicator of

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    September 1996 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 116

    , the next five years will offer the most profitable opportunities for chemical tanker owners. To take advantage of this potential, specify MarineLine coating from Advanced Polymer Sciences. MarineLine is the only coating system that can handle all IMO chemicals, including such tough cargoes

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    September 1996 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 70

    Sciences, Inc., (APS) of Avon, Ohio, has been further extended with the announcement of two new appoint-ments in Europe. APS manufac-tures MarineLine, a polymer-based, aerospace technology lining for the cargo tanks of chemical and product tankers. The two new MX400: Leica's Newest DGPS

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    September 1996 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 15

    a number of locations, primarily in the Caribbean and South Pacific areas. For more information on Nichols Bros. Circle 37 on Reader Service Card MarineLine Coating Applied To Chemical Tanker M/V Rachel B, a 13,749-dwt chemical tanker operated by Hiltviet Associates, Inc. of New York, has had

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    August 1996 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 66

    hrs. at 5° C to 30 min. at 30° C. Advanced Polymer Sciences Circle 98 on Reader Service Card Advanced Polymer Sciences is a manufacturer of MarineLine cargo tank linings for aggresive cargoes. MarineLine can carry 98% of all internationally traded chemicals today, including Methanol, Sul-furic

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    August 1996 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 61

    , the next five years will offer the most profitable opportunities for chemical tanker owners. To take advantage of this potential, specify MarineLine coating from Advanced Polymer Sciences. MarineLine is the only coating system that can handle all IMO chemicals, including such tough cargoes

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    February 1996 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 18

    or inorganic zinc sili-cate coatings," said Don Keehan, technical director. The bottom line is potential cost savings and improved earnings. MarineLine is a high perfor-mance tank lining, formulated with the patented Siloxirane poly-mer resin technology. This cross-linked aerospace polymer

marineline - Magazines (2025)


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