PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (2024)


PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (1)

Last Updated: 29th Feb, 2024  |  Published: 29th Feb, 2024

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2.Cheap Crystal Example

3.Basic/Core Crystal Build

4.Accuracy Crystals

5.100% Resistance Crystals

6.End-game Grind Spot Examples

6.1.Dehkia Ash Forest

6.2.Dehkia Thornwood Forest

6.3.Dehkia Oluns Valley

6.4.Crypt of Resting Thoughts

6.5.Darkseeker’s Retreat / Yzrahid Highlands


This guide gives different PVE Crystal build examples that you can tweak for different monster zones depending on your needs. The crystals in the examples are BIS end-game crystals and very costly but should give you an idea of what to aim for. In some cases you can swap crystals for the lower tier if you want to spend less, for example you can use Crystal of Elkarr instead of Visionary Crystal of Elkarr.

If you want to learn the basics of the Crystal Preset system and how to unlock all crystal slots, you can view our Crystal Preset & Transfusion Guide for more info.

Cheap Crystal Example

Below is a cheaper crystal set example with a cost of around 2.5 billion silver. It uses 15 crystal slots in total for players who have completed the Land of the Morning Light story quests (to unlock 2 slots) and are using the Karanda’s Heart (1 slot) instead of a Garmoth’s Heart (2 slots)

You might be thinking “Wait a second, 2.5 billion silver is considered cheap??” but yes unfortunately crystals are very expensive and most end-game builds cost 15+ billion silver. Crystals are also hugely important for boosting your damage and providing other stats. The crystals recommended below won’t go to waste though, as you will need most of them for later builds or can craft them into higher-tier crystals.

Crystals UsedTotal Stats

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (2)Girin’s Fragment x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (3)Ancient Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame – Power x4

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (4)Ah’krad Crystal x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (5)Corrupted Magic Crystal x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (6)Dark Red Fang Crystal – Valor x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (7) Crystal of Elkarr x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (8) Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Adamantine x2

  • Extra AP against Monsters +20
  • Hidden AP +34
  • All Accuracy +33
  • Hidden Damage Reduction -4
  • Monster Damage Reduction +10
  • Ignore All Resistance +20%
  • Knockdown/Bound Resistance +50%
  • Critical Hit Damage +22%
  • Critical Hit Level +4

If you have a little bit extra silver to spare, you can swap Ancient Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame – Power x2 for Crystal of Brutal Decimation x2. These crystals provide extra back attack damage and higher AP against monsters so they are better than the Power crystals but also more expensive.

You may also want to swap the Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Adamantine x2 for Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Giant x2 depending on the monster zone and the type of crowd control (CC) effects the monsters inflict. Adamantine provides Knockdown/Bound CC Resistance, while Giant gives you Stun/Stiffness/Freeze CC Resistance instead.

Basic/Core Crystal Build

These build examples are purely focused on high damage and are a general build you can then use to swap and refine for certain monster zones.

The first example uses Crystal of Mysterious Darkness x2, which is useful in certain spots where you can get lots of back-attacks

Crystals UsedTotal Stats

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (9)Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod x4

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (10)Girin’s Tear x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (11)Dark Red Fang Crystal – Valor x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (12)Ancient Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame – Power x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (13)Glorious Crystal of Gallantry – Ah’krad x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (14)Crystal of Brutal Decimation x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (15)Rebellious Spirit Crystal x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (16)Crystal of Mysterious Darkness x2

  • Max HP +425
  • MP/WP/SP +50
  • Stamina +370
  • Extra AP against Monsters +48
  • Hidden AP +51
  • All Accuracy +23
  • Monster Damage Reduction +10
  • Ignore All Resistance +11%
  • All Resistance +3%
  • All Special Attack Extra Damage +1%
  • Additional Back Attack Damage +26%
  • Critical Hit Level +4
  • Attack Speed +2%
  • Casting Speed +2%
  • Combat EXP +92%
  • Skill EXP +85%
  • Item Drop Rate +10%

If you are in a spot where you are less likely to benefit from back-attacks then you can use Corrupted Magic Crystals x2 instead for extra attack damage.

Generally, I would recommend using Corrupted Magic Crystals for most grind spots because the extra Critical Hit Damage is more consistent unless you are at a spot where you can easily get back-attacks the majority of the time (such as Gyfin Underground)

Crystals UsedTotal Stats

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (17)Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod x4

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (18)Girin’s Tear x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (19)Dark Red Fang Crystal – Valor x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (20)Ancient Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame – Power x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (21)Glorious Crystal of Gallantry – Ah’krad x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (22)Crystal of Brutal Decimation x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (23)Rebellious Spirit Crystal x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (24)Corrupted Magic Crystal x2

  • Max HP +425
  • MP/WP/SP +50
  • Stamina +370
  • Extra AP against Monsters +48
  • Hidden AP +51
  • All Accuracy +17
  • Hidden Damage Reduction -4
  • Monster Damage Reduction +10
  • Ignore All Resistance +11%
  • All Resistance +3%
  • Critical Hit Damage +22%
  • All Special Attack Extra Damage +1%
  • Additional Back Attack Damage +2%
  • Critical Hit Level +4
  • Attack Speed +2%
  • Casting Speed +2%
  • Combat EXP +92%
  • Skill EXP +85%
  • Item Drop Rate +10%

Accuracy Crystals

If you are in a spot that requires higher accuracy, such as Ash Forest or Crypt of the Resting Thoughts, you want to aim for at least 900 accuracy.

If you don’t have accuracy accessories you can use Elkarr Crystals x2 and JIN Magic Crystal – Viper x1/2 instead to raise your accuracy.

Try swapping out your crystals one at a time to find the right balance for you and your class.

If you don’t need 100% resistance at a grind spot you can swap the following:

Accuracy CrystalsSwapped with

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (25)JIN Magic Crystal – Viper x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (26)Visionary Crystal of Elkarr x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (27)Ancient Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame – Power x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (28)Dark Red Fang Crystal – Valor x2

If you need 100% resistance at a grind spot then swap the following instead:

Accuracy CrystalsSwapped with

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (29)JIN Magic Crystal – Viper x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (30)Visionary Crystal of Elkarr x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (31)Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod x4

100% Resistance Crystals

There are 3 ways you can obtain 100% resistance in a certain CC. This is important for end-game spots where a CC will guarantee a death. It is recommended to use Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature crystals instead of the Red Battlefield crystals since they are much cheaper and you don’t need the secondary resistance.

Method 1 (recommended):

This method allows you to get 100% resistance to one CC type using just your Crystals and a Villa buff

  • The example used is for Knockdown/Bound resistance (check below for all crystals)

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (32)Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Adamantine x2 (50% Knockdown/Bound Resist)

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (33)Black Magic Crystal – Intimidation x1 (10% Knockdown/Bound Resist)

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (34) [Villa] Body Enhancement Buff (10% All Resist)

Method 2:

This method allows you to get 100% resistance to one CC type but you require villa buff and a Khalk Elixir. Instead it allows you to run an extra crystal for damage.

  • The example used is for Knockdown/Bound resistance (check below for all crystals)

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (35)Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Adamantine x2 (50% Knockdown/Bound Resist)

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (36) [Villa] Body Enhancement Buff (10% All Resist)

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (37) Khalk’s Elixir (10% All Resist)

Method 3:

This method allows you to run two different resistances at 100%. It requires a Shai class and can be used at party spots like Dehkia Olun’s Valley, however it is riskier since it relies on the Shai to use their Summer Rain III skill for 40% resistance.

  • The example used is for Knockdown/Bound resistance and Stun/Stiffness/Freezing resistance (check below for all crystals)

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (38)Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Adamantine x1 (25% Knockdown/Bound Resist)

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (39)Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Giant x1 (25% Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resist)

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (40) [Villa] Body Enhancement Buff (10% All Resist)

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (41) Summer Rain III Shai Skill (40% All Resist)

Resistance crystals:

Below are other resistance crystals you can use depending on which CC resistance you need for the grind spot.

Crystal NameResistance Effect
PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (42)Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – AdamantineKnockdown/Bound Resistance +25%
PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (43)Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – GiantStun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +25%
PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (44)Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Fighting SpiritKnockback/Floating Resistance +25%
PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (45)Black Magic Crystal – IntimidationKnockdown/Bound Resistance +10%
Stun/Stuffness/Freezing Resistance +5%
PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (46)Black Magic Crystal – ArmorDamage Reduction +2
Stun/Stuffness/Freezing Resistance +10%
PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (47)Black Magic Crystal – AdamantineKnockdown/Bound Resistance +5%
Knockback/Floating Resistance +10%
PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (48)Black Magic Crystal – VigorMax HP +50
Stun/Stuffness/Freezing Resistance +10%
PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (49)Kydict’s Crystal – GiantDamage Reduction +2
Max HP +100
Stun/Stuffness/Freezing Resistance +10%

End-game Grind Spot Examples

Now that we have seen the different options for PVE crystals, we can put these together to create the perfect build for certain spots.

Dehkia Ash Forest

Dehkia Ash Forest requires 100% Knockdown Resistance. Use a Villa buff with the following crystal set to reach 100% resistance.

You can also swap Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod x2 for Crystal of Frozen Bitterness x2 if you feel you need more defenses.

Crystals UsedTotal Stats

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (50)Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod x4

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (51)Girin’s Tear x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (52)Glorious Crystal of Gallantry – Ah’krad x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (53)Crystal of Brutal Decimation x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (54)Rebellious Spirit Crystal x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (55)Corrupted Magic Crystal x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (56)Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Adamantine x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (57)Black Magic Crystal – Intimidation x1

  • Max HP +425
  • MP/WP/SP +50
  • Stamina +370
  • Extra AP against Monsters +48
  • Hidden AP +36
  • All Accuracy +17
  • Hidden Damage Reduction -4
  • Monster Damage Reduction +10
  • Ignore All Resistance +11%
  • All Resistance +3%
  • Knockdown/Bound Resistance +60%
  • Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +5%
  • Critical Hit Damage +22%
  • All Special Attack Extra Damage +1%
  • Additional Back Attack Damage +2%
  • Attack Speed +2%
  • Casting Speed +2%
  • Combat EXP +92%
  • Skill EXP +85%
  • Item Drop Rate +10%

Dehkia Thornwood Forest

Dehkia Thornwood requires 100% Knockback Resistance. Use a Villa buff with the following crystal set to reach 100% resistance.

You can also swap Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod x2 for Crystal of Frozen Bitterness x2 if you feel you need more defenses.

Crystals UsedTotal Stats

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (58)Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod x4

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (59)Girin’s Tear x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (60)Glorious Crystal of Gallantry – Ah’krad x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (61)Crystal of Brutal Decimation x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (62)Rebellious Spirit Crystal x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (63)Corrupted Magic Crystal x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (64)Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Fighting Spirit x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (65)Black Magic Crystal – Adamantine x1

  • Max HP +425
  • MP/WP/SP +50
  • Stamina +370
  • Extra AP against Monsters +48
  • Hidden AP +36
  • All Accuracy +17
  • Hidden Damage Reduction -4
  • Monster Damage Reduction +10
  • Ignore All Resistance +11%
  • All Resistance +3%
  • Knockback/Floating Resistance +60%
  • Knockdown/Bound Resistance +5%
  • Critical Hit Damage +22%
  • All Special Attack Extra Damage +1%
  • Additional Back Attack Damage +2%
  • Attack Speed +2%
  • Casting Speed +2%
  • Combat EXP +92%
  • Skill EXP +85%
  • Item Drop Rate +10%

Dehkia Oluns Valley

Dehkia Oluns Valley requires 100% Stun Resistance and Knockdown Resistance.

This spot is a party grind spot and is it highly recommended to have a Shai in your party using the Summer Rain III skill. This allows you to use 2 different Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature crystals and a Villa buff to reach 100% resistance.

In this build, you should also swap Corrupted Magic Crystal x2 for the Crystal of Mysterious Darkness x2 since it is a grind spot where you should be getting a lot of back-attacks.

Crystals UsedTotal Stats

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (66)Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod x4

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (67)Girin’s Tear x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (68)Dark Red Fang Crystal – Valor x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (69)Glorious Crystal of Gallantry – Ah’krad x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (70)Crystal of Brutal Decimation x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (71)Rebellious Spirit Crystal x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (72)Crystal of Mysterious Darkness x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (73)Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Adamantine x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (74)Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Giant x1

  • Max HP +425
  • MP/WP/SP +50
  • Stamina +370
  • Extra AP against Monsters +48
  • Hidden AP +41
  • All Accuracy +23
  • Monster Damage Reduction +10
  • Ignore All Resistance +11%
  • All Resistance +3%
  • Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +25%
  • Knockdown/Bound Resistance +25%
  • All Special Attack Extra Damage +1%
  • Additional Back Attack Damage +26%
  • Critical Hit Level 2
  • Attack Speed +2%
  • Casting Speed +2%
  • Combat EXP +92%
  • Skill EXP +85%
  • Item Drop Rate +10%

Crypt of Resting Thoughts

Crypt of the Resting Thoughts requires 100% Stun Resistance. Use a Villa buff with the following crystal set to reach 100% resistance.

You can also swap Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod x2 for Visionary Crystal of Elkarr x2 if you don’t have enough accuracy. Generally, you want to aim for at least 900 accuracy.

If you don’t have accuracy accessories and require a lot of accuracy, you can swap Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod x4 with Visionary Crystal of Elkarr x2 and JIN Magic Crystal – Viper x2

Crystals UsedTotal Stats

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (75)Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod x4

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (76)Girin’s Tear x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (77)Glorious Crystal of Gallantry – Ah’krad x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (78)Crystal of Brutal Decimation x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (79)Rebellious Spirit Crystal x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (80)Corrupted Magic Crystal x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (81)Ancient Magic Crystal of Nature – Giant x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (82)Black Magic Crystal – Armor x1

  • Max HP +425
  • MP/WP/SP +50
  • Stamina +370
  • Extra AP against Monsters +48
  • Hidden AP +36
  • All Accuracy +17
  • Hidden Damage Reduction -4
  • Monster Damage Reduction +10
  • Ignore All Resistance +11%
  • All Resistance +3%
  • Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +60%
  • Critical Hit Damage +22%
  • All Special Attack Extra Damage +1%
  • Additional Back Attack Damage +2%
  • Attack Speed +2%
  • Casting Speed +2%
  • Combat EXP +92%
  • Skill EXP +85%
  • Item Drop Rate +10%

Darkseeker’s Retreat / Yzrahid Highlands

For Darkseeker’s Retreat and Yzrahid Highlands, the monster zones do have CC effects but they are easy to dodge by dashing behind the monster or using your PVE I-frames so you should not really need CC resistance crystals as long as you learn the mechanics for the spot. Instead, you want to stack as much AP as possible and for this spot we will use the “Core” build listed at the start with a small tweak.

It is recommended to have a total of 1,000 or higher AP for these spots. This includes your crystals, addons, and any buffs.

  • Check your total AP through the “My Stats” button in your inventory. Add together your AP + Extra AP Against Monsters

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (83)

In addition, you want to aim for around 850 or higher accuracy, so you can use JIN Magic Crystal – Viper x1 or Visionary Crystal of Elkarr x1 to help you reach this instead of the Ancient Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame – Power x1 we list in the “Core” build.

Crystals UsedTotal Stats

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (85)Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal – Macalod x4

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (86)Girin’s Tear x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (87)Dark Red Fang Crystal – Valor x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (88)Visionary Crystal of Elkarr x1

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (89)Glorious Crystal of Gallantry – Ah’krad x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (90)Crystal of Brutal Decimation x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (91)Rebellious Spirit Crystal x2

PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (92)Corrupted Magic Crystal x2

  • Max HP +425
  • MP/WP/SP +50
  • Stamina +370
  • Extra AP against Monsters +48
  • Hidden AP +46
  • All Accuracy +37
  • Hidden Damage Reduction -4
  • Monster Damage Reduction +10
  • Ignore All Resistance +21%
  • All Resistance +3%
  • Critical Hit Damage +22%
  • All Special Attack Extra Damage +1%
  • Additional Back Attack Damage +2%
  • Critical Hit Level +4
  • Attack Speed +2%
  • Casting Speed +2%
  • Combat EXP +92%
  • Skill EXP +85%
  • Item Drop Rate +10%

By Tansie29th Feb 2024Leave a comment

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PVE Crystal Build Examples - BDFoundry (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

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